Home Mind + Body Nutrients & Diet Move Over, Pea-Protein: Potato Protein is Here

Move Over, Pea-Protein: Potato Protein is Here

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Potatoes have such a bad rep, but the potato can be a nutritious choice if it’s not doused with all the fixings.  It’s a significant source of potassium, magnesium, and even Vitamin C!  This starchy root vegetable is definitely worth of creative cooking choices which don’t overpower its nutrient profile with loads of saturated fat, and now we may have even more reason to love the potato:  protein.

               It’s not typically what we think of when we are looking for a source of protein.  However, researchers found that potato protein could soon be the next darling of the plant-protein world, which has recently been dominated by pea protein.

               Studying the effects of protein isolated from potatoes in a group of health women, researchers from McMaster University discovered that the protein in potatoes was sufficient to enable more muscle growth.  Half of the participants received a placebo, while the other half received potato protein isolate which doubled their protein intake per day.

               The group who added the potato protein isolate experienced a faster increase in how much protein their muscles made.  Could it just be the fact that the women doubled their protein intake? Maybe.  Most protein made in the muscles occurs from exercise, but these findings are promising for leading more people into other forms of plant protein in an alternative to the traditional milk or animal-based protein isolate supplements available.

               Plant protein supplements for those looking to increase their protein for muscle maintenance/growth or weight loss are more widely available than ever before.  Pea protein has been enjoying the spotlight for the past few years, due to its high protein content and lower estrogenic effects than traditional soy protein. 

The Plant Protein Product I Use

Pea protein is finding its way into everything now, which is perfect if you’re trying to avoid soy. Currently, my favorite pea-protein product is the organic Chocolate Sea Salt  Aloha Protein shake.  They are made with pea protein, coconut milk, MCT oil, and monk fruit for a sweetener.  Aloha also makes a Coconut and Vanilla flavor. Try powdered pea protein to make your own shakes from Aloha and from one of my old favorites, Ripple.

Keep an eye out for potato protein isolate coming your way next!


Oikawa, S.Y.; Bahniwal, R.; Holloway, T.M.; Lim, C.; McLeod, J.C.; McGlory, C.; Baker, S.K.; Phillips, S.M. Potato Protein Isolate Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthesis at Rest and with Resistance Exercise in Young WomenNutrients 202012, 1235.


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