
Joanna is constantly searching for information about wellness and bringing what matters to your attention as our Editor at Explored Wellness. Her own wellness journey prompted her to share her passion for educating others in navigating their own paths to be the best they can be, inside and out. When she isn't writing, you can find her traveling, cooking, exploring the outdoors, and spending time with her family and pets. Contact at: [email protected]

Boosting Liver Health through Fasting, Supplements

Fasting to improve liver health has been a mysterious factor for interventions with liver disease, but it wasn’t clear exactly why fasting had this...

That Lonely Feeling & Your Brain

If loneliness is just a feeling produced by being physically distant from other human beings, why isn’t it cured by just being around other...

Cognition & The Sun

Heat stroke is on the rise and is expected to account for 2.5 more deaths by the year 2050.  For the first time, scientists...

Quitting Smoking: Is Knowledge Half the Battle?

Addiction to tobacco and the risks that come with it are very real.  Unfortunately, the addictive nature of tobacco use can make it one...

Outgoing or shy? It's Meat vs. Plants

We know there are introverts and extroverts, but could it be that what you eat influences these personality traits?  Scientists believe they have uncovered...

How a Probiotic Could Help Celiacs

The challenge of living with Celiac Disease is disruptive to daily activities and sometimes dangerous.  Unfortunately, wheat products are everywhere, and sometimes even in...

10 Best Supplements for Heartburn & Acid Reflux

If you have heartburn or acid reflux, either occasional or chronic, here are 10 supplements you should know about that can help you find...

Ways to Manage Your Dog's Arthritis

New research is out about CBD and dogs’ arthritis; but for a comprehensive approach, I offer other solutions that don’t include CBD to manage...

Move Over, Pea-Protein: Potato Protein is Here

Potatoes have such a bad rep, but the potato can be a nutritious choice if it’s not doused with all the fixings.  It’s a...

Beat Matching with Drums (Heartbeats, that is)

Music brings people together, but it’s on a whole other level than we were previously aware.  When drummers synchronize keeping on beats with other...



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