If you’ve ever experienced the effects of a heart attack or have known someone who has, you know how much life can change afterwards.  A strict regimen of diet and prescription medications, frequent blood draws and labwork all become...
The next time you’re taking a long list of orders for coffee, and you start shaking your head at everyone’s distinct preferences, you can take heart that it’s not because they want to make it hard on you.  They...
By Mansal Denton, guest author When I first spoke on the phone with Daniel Schmachtenberger, co-founder of the Neurohacker Collective , I had researched neither the man nor the business and had no idea what to expect. After speaking for nearly...

Mind + Body

Your Brain Doesn't Really Know the Back of Your Hand!

Have you ever bought something online and way overestimated or underestimated its measurements?  Even if the measurements are given, sometimes it’s still hard to...

NAD+ and Aging Muscles

We pay particular attention to the health of our body systems and brains as we age, so it’s important to remember that we also...

Aging Better Means More Sleep

Wearable devices are very popular, and the insight they can provide into your personal physical activity is unparalleled.  Many people think nothing of continuing...

Mouthwash Use Affects Post-Exercise Period

We know the bacteria in our gut controls a lot more than just keeping our intestinal systems healthy, but what about the bacteria in...

Heart + Soul

How Genes Influence Enjoyment

                It turns out that you can know something is good for you, like spending time outside in nature, but still not be inclined...

12 Weeks of Exercise for Your Mood

If you’re feeling anxious, relief may be closer at hand than you think.                 Researchers from the University of Gothenburg have found evidence that exercise...

Social Eating Better for Heart

Eating socially is an important part of human life, and a gathering with friends, family, or coworkers can bolster the spirits.  Sometimes, though, it’s...

9 Ways to Manage Stress (Besides Meditation!)

Stress management is an important part of being well, but it can often take a backburner to the usual wellness-oriented tips like eating well,...


Do More with Less

With Amazon Woot, you can save hundreds on Refurbished Items in all categories!

One person's returned item is another person's treasure! Check out the savings on Amazon’s own Woot website offering huge savings and deals across all categories!

Nutrients + Diet

Paleo Potatoes?

It’s a controversial subject in the Paleo diet community:  to eat, or not to eat, potatoes.  The Paleo diet strives to be a modern version of the...

How to Quit Caffeine without Withdrawals

By Mansal Denton, guest author Even though my friend Cameron was sitting across the table from me deeply engaged in conversation, my eyes were closing...

Omega-3 As Important as Being a Non-Smoker

We’ve been told that sitting for long periods of time is just as unhealthy as smoking, and now there’s a new factor in health...



Are You Biased—to Left Digits?

Value is a tricky concept.  It varies from person to person, the degree of need, availability, and presentation.  We’d like to think that there...


As we all spend more time indoors for the approaching winter, an important part of our lives will be focused on keeping our immune...


How Genes Influence Enjoyment

                It turns out that you can know something is good for you, like spending time outside in nature, but still not be inclined...

Making Icy Roads Safe: for Us & the Land

With winter weather upon us as we head further into December, the familiar sight of road de-icing trucks and snowplows are once again lining...

A Better Bulb for Blue Light

Seeing people wearing amber glasses (meant to help block the harmful effects of the blue light from devices and lightbulbs) has become more commonplace...


Why a Massage Gives Greater Muscle Gains

Massages aren’t just for the stressed mind and body. Their benefits can also extend to intentionally stressed muscles.  New research from Harvard suggests that...

Do We Really Need 10K Steps a Day?

Do you often find it hard to hit the 10,000 steps per day that’s been recommended as the best way to keep yourself healthy? ...

Why You Can't Underestimate the Cold During Exercise

Bundling up for winter sports is a no brainer, but how many of us take the same amount of time to dress when we’re...


Why a Spiritual Journal is Important

We write down all of our appointments, our lists, even the food we’ve eaten--but when was the last time we stopped to write down...

Why you shouldn't trust free healers online

The internet can be a great resource for anyone looking for connections to people offering services to provide healing.  It can also be a...


10 Best Supplements for Heartburn & Acid Reflux

If you have heartburn or acid reflux, either occasional or chronic, here are 10 supplements you should know about that can help you find...

12 Weeks of Exercise for Your Mood

If you’re feeling anxious, relief may be closer at hand than you think.                 Researchers from the University of Gothenburg have found evidence that exercise...

3 Reasons to Try a Goblet Squat

Squats have  gotten a lot of press in recent years because of this exercise’s ability to define shape, but they remain one of the...

3 Ways Activated Charcoal Can Work for You

From it's start as a toxin-binding substance in case of accidental toxicity, activated charcoal has come a long way!  You can now find it...